About Jess

Hey! My name is Jessica, but you can call me Jess. With a background in training and genetic counseling, I found myself becoming deeply interested in the lives of the people I was counseling. Curious by nature, I began to consider: What is it that brings us life? How do we live out an authentic life experience and align our values to live consistently? Congruently?
As I sought to answer these questions, I became more attracted to the field of life coaching. After earning my certification, and applying the psychology and genetics I previously studied, and adding in the years of counseling I had already experienced, I have found myself in a great position to offer tools, processes and practices to help others - to help YOU, through accountability, through discipline and discovery, to find peace and freedom in owning who you are, and what you are (Be)Coming.
Read my story here.
“Jessica is a life coach who will not only help you meet your goals, but who will draw you into a conversation where you get to connect with your personal values and motivations - the heart of the change. The time I spent with Jessica has both prepared me and empowered me to move forward in areas where I had stopped believing change was possible”. -Lori L. (Rare Disease Mother)
Coaching with Jess

Professional services include: Personal Life Coaching, Genetic Counseling Applicant Coaching, Grad School Coaching, Career Coaching, Life Transition Coaching, Grief/Loss Coaching